Upcoming free webcasts are provided below related to key topics such as
teaching, learning, instructional design, policy, student success and more.

Topic: AI and Student Learning: What We Know (and What We Don't)
Speakers: Colleen Flaherty and Doug Lederman with experts from the University of Mississippi, Arizona State University and University of Michigan
Sponsor: Alchemy
Cost: Free
Date: Wednesday, April 10
Time: 2 pm ET
Duration: 1 hour
This webcast will explore how artificial intelligence is being deployed to boost teaching and learning in college and university classrooms, and how and whether this aligns with the science—or lack thereof—on AI and how students learn. Case studies will supplement an expert panel discussion and audience Q&A period.

Topic: The Student-Success Journey: Amping Up Orientation
Host: Katherine Manga
Sponsor: Chronicle of Higher Education
Cost: Free
Date: Wednesday, April 17
Time: 2 pm ET
Duration: 1 hour
The objective of the college orientation has changed since its humble beginnings as a preview of college life for students. Now orientations are an opportunity for colleges to share their principles with students and promote respect and inclusivity.

Topic: AI for Education Summit
Speaker: Multiple Speakers
Sponsor: AI for Education
Cost: Free
Date: Saturday, April 27
Time: 9 am - 5 pm ET
Duration: All Day
This one-day virtual event offers educators and school leaders a unique opportunity to progress from the practical to the possible. Kick off the day by building your AI skills and learning from leading experts before moving on to an afternoon of hands-on experimentation with the latest AI tools. Your experience then culminates with a collaborative exploration into the future of education designed to spark your innovative thinking and start dreaming big.
Check out free on-demand webcasts.

On Demand Webcasts
Chronicle of Higher Education
Cost: Free
Date: On Demand
Time: On Demand
Duration: 1 hour
Host: Top Speakers
The Chronicle of Higher Education provides on demand access to webcasts on key topics in higher education.
Prior webcasts include:
How to Design Learning for Student Success
Shifting International-Student Trends
How to Reach the Disengaged Student in the Classroom

On Demand Webinars
Inside Higher Ed
Cost: Free
Date: On Demand
Time: On Demand
Duration: 1 hour
Host: Top Speakers
The Inside Higher Ed provides on demand access to webcasts on key topics in higher education.
Prior webcasts include:
Looking Ahead to 2023
Meeting the Needs of Today's Learners
Technology & Student Success

On Demand Webcasts
Academic Impressions
Cost: Free
Date: On Demand
Time: On Demand
Duration: 1 hour
Host: Top Speakers
Wiley provides on demand access to webcasts on key topics in higher education.
Prior webcasts include:
Voice of the Online Learner
Examining Online Learner Experiences
Designing Inclusive Classrooms