"Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a
framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into
how humans learn." ~ CAST
Designing the New Normal: Enable, Engage, Elevate, and Extend Student Learning (Borup et al., 2022)
"Back to Normal” Shouldn't be the Post-Pandemic Goal for Higher Ed (Barnes, 2020)
A Visual List of 28 Learner-Centered Instruction Methods (MacMeekin, 2020)
How Teaching Changed in the (Forced) Shift to Remote Learning (Ledermen, 2020)
Online Education Platforms Could Scale High-Quality STEM Education for Universities (2020)
Teaching Strategies of Award-Winning Online Instructors (Ralph, 2020)
Faded-Examples for Learning Contextual Mathematics Problem-Solving Skills
(Oktaviani, 2018)
Student Success
Student Success Articles (Chronicle of Higher Education, 2022)
Virtual Classrooms: How Online College Courses Affect Student Success
(Bettinger et al., 2017)
Arizona State University: Instructional Strategies & Memory
Online Instruction & Services Resources, California Virtual Campus
Communicating with Students, The Ohio State University, Office of Distance Education & E-Learning
Teaching Strategies, The Ohio State University, Office of Distance Education &
E-Learning -
Learning Theories Timeline: Key Ideas from Educational Psychology
Instructional Strategies Motivate and Engage Students in Deeper Learning
(K-12), Southern Regional Education Board