Nine Key Resources to Ignite Learning & Transform Education
Deans for Impact

Deans for Impact is a leader in educator preparation and ensuring that all teachers are ready for the classroom starting their first day. The resources shared by Deans for Impact support educator-preparation systems and all educators in PK-12 and higher education. Deans for Impact has 8 members on their Board of Directors including educational administrators and consultants. Deans for Impact also has 18 Member Deans including deans of education from across public and private institutions as well as centers. Founded in 2015, initiatives have grown to include working with teacher-educators, administrative leaders, school partners, and policymakers across the United States.
To improve student-learning outcomes by changing the way this country prepares teachers. Our members are united behind a shared vision for a transformed educator-preparation system that graduates teachers prepared to measurably improve student learning.
Model professionalism
Be good stewards
Practice good pedagogy
Always seek solutions
Design for inclusivity
Transform the system
Optimize Deans for Impact Resources:
Deans for Impact connects leaders, transforms programs, sustains change, and influences policy. Educators are encouraged to review each of these four key areas on the website to read about the dynamic initiatives as well as watch the Deans for Impact videos and access the extended resources.
Deans for Impact connects leaders in preparing effective beginning teachers and provides leadership training. There are five design principles for collaborative learning that act as the foundation for all the work Deans for Impact is engaged in with educator preparation: (1) Leading Together, (2) Diverse by Design, (3) Scaffolds, Not Mandates, (4) Context Matters, and (5) Focus on Evidence. Deans for Impact provides leadership training throughout the year. The Impact Academy is a year-long fellowship for leaders in educator-preparation programs that combines intensive in-person learning with ongoing coaching, mentorship, and networking. The Inquiry Institute is hosted once a year to convene teams from educator-preparation programs and focuses on the science and practice of data use in educator preparation.
Deans for Impact transforms programs through multi-year Impact Networks. Impact Networks include five to eight educator programs that work collaboratively together on common improvement goals from completing diagnostic assessments and engaging with stakeholders to developing an action plan to track candidate learning outcomes. Current and past Impact Networks are shared on the website.
Deans for Impact sustains change by helping educator-preparation programs sustain their transformational efforts through collecting credible and actionable evidence through the Common Indicators System (CIS) Network. The CIS Network uses common measures that enable members to learn from each other to improve teacher preparation programs. Educators are encouraged to learn more about the CIS Network and how the data is being used to support instructional preparedness.
Deans for Impact influences policy through its collaborative work with leaders of educator-preparation programs. Policy work involves being vocal advocates for program quality and professional preparation, improving access to outcomes data, and urging the adoption of quality measures of teacher-candidate knowledge, which includes the Common Indicators System. Deans for Impact provides policy resources and opportunities to get involved in advocacy work.
There are many ways in which educators can get involved with Deans for Impact. Deans can apply for the Impact Academy. Teacher-Educators can explore the four Building Blocks essential to teacher preparation including Modeling, Practice, Feedback, and Alignment. Educators can subscribe to Deans for Impact Newsletter to receive news and updates on new projects, initiatives, and publications. Policymakers are invited to also connect with Deans for Impact.
The resources provided by Deans for Impact are of great benefit to educators in PK-12 and higher education. The Science of Learning provides important cognitive-science research on how students learn with practical implications for teaching. The Content of Thinking explores the challenge of engaging students in thinking about content. The Content of Thinking is broken down into ambitious content, rigorous content, and student thinking with extended resource materials. Deepening Meaning and Learning examines how educators can use learning science to design instruction and shares key learning science principles with real-world application. There are additional resources that can be reviewed such as Learning by Scientific Design, Building Blocks, and Practice with Purpose.
Deans for Impact keeps educators up to date through their link on News that includes industry news and new releases. Educators can access Blogs dating from 2015 until today on critical topics related to deliberate practice, cognitive science, teaching practice, leadership, learning by scientific design, lessons from the field, and more. Blogs can be explored by both author and topic. Deans for Impact is active on social media so educators can follow their work through Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. The resources provided by Deans for Impact supports their work in ensuring that “Every child deserves a well-prepared teacher.”
Key Links:
Learn more about Deans for Impact by visiting the Deans for Impact website!
Deans for Impact: We are committed to transforming educator preparation so all teachers graduate ready for the classroom on day one
Author: Dr. Kristen Betts