Nine Key Resources to Ignite Learning & Transform Education
Global Science of Learning and Education Network (GSoLEN)

The Global Science of Learning and Education Network (GSoLEN) provides extensive resources for educators within higher education and K-12 education. GSoLEN brings together scientists, educators, practitioners, policy experts, philanthropists, and edtech companies from over 60 countries around the world committed to addressing societal challenges at a global scale through science of learning initiatives. GSoLEN has a 42-member international advisory board that includes renowned educators, researchers, and corporate leaders. Seed funding for GSoLEN has been provided by the National Science Foundation, Gates Foundation, Jacobs Foundation, the National Public Education Support Fund (NPESF), Carnegie Corporation of New York, and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.
To achieve maximum worldwide benefit from science-based strategies designed to meet the learning needs of our global future and to overcome the impact of systemic inequities on learning.
Vision: To elevate learning around the world by providing a science of learning network of networks for collaboratively building a global scientific infrastructure to address the increasing learning needs of children and young people and the teaching practices necessary to address them in a fast-changing future.
Optimize GSoLEN Resources:
The GSoLEN website provides many resources and opportunities to get engaged. Educators can subscribe to GSoLEN to learn more about upcoming GSoLEN talks and events as well as receive links for the latest news and resources from their library. Educators can also contact GSoLEN to learn more about how to get engaged within their education network.
The GSoLEN Library includes Talks, Books, Peer Reviewed Articles, and Reports. GSoLEN invites renowned speakers as part of their open-access talks. These dynamic events engage participants from around the world with critical topics related to the science of learning. Educators can access archived past events with distinguished speakers such as David Osher (Vice President and Institute Fellow, American Institutes for Research), Michael Fullan (Global Leadership Director, New Pedagogies for Deep Learning), Zaretta Hammond (Author of Culturally Responsive Teaching and The Brain), Vicky Colbert (former Vice-Minister of Education, Colombia, and Founder and Executive Director of Fundación Escuela Nueva), Santiago Rincon-Gallardo (Chief Research Officer at Michael Fullan Enterprises), Pamela Cantor (Founder of Turnaround for Children), Glenn Whitman (Director, Center for Transformational Teaching at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School), and more. The GSoLEN Library also provides access to reports and peer reviewed articles as well as recommended books.
GSoLEN provides updates on new research and archived content. Under the Latest News, educators will find highlights and updates on current and future activities. Under Past Events, educators can access links, slides, and videos.
The GSoLEN network includes working groups. Currently there are three working groups: (1) The Teacher Support Network (TSN), (2) The Digital Learning (DL) Working Group, and (3) The Knowledge Brokering Working Group. Two of these groups emerged based on input from advisors and GSoLEN participants. GSoLEN encourages contacting them to suggest topics or start a working group on an interest-based area. There are also opportunities to get engaged through GSoLEN Discord with is part of the GSoLEN Community Space.
Key Links:
Learn more about GSoLEN by visiting the GSoLEN website!
GSoLEN: Building global scientific infrastructure to address increased learning needs
Author: Dr. Kristen Betts