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Science of Learning Resources

Updated: Nov 14, 2023

There are two must-read resources for educators on the science of learning published by Deans Impact: Science of Learning (2015) and Deepening Meaning and Learning (2021) (see Figure 1). Deans Impact is a non-profit organization that is committed to educator preparation and improving student learning through research, publications, and leadership training. These two publications highlight key research related to how students learn building upon evidenced based principles and practices that that can be applied across PK-12 and higher education classrooms as well as applied to professional development.

Figure 1

Science of Learning (2015) and Deepening Meaning and Learning (2021)

Science of Learning and Deepening Meaning and Learning report covers

The Science of Learning is just 10 pages from cover to cover. It is filled with well supported research and evidence-based practices for all educators. There are six questions that are explored through the report. Each question includes supporting cognitive principles and practical implications for the classroom. The cognitive principles provide a strong foundation for key topics relating to understanding, learning and retaining new information, solving problems, transfer of learning across context, motivation, and misconceptions. The practical implications for the classroom provide detailed examples of how educators can align their teaching with the cognitive principles. Figure 2 provides an example of one of the six questions that are explored. You will see how many of the practical implications align with the July 5 blog on Pivotal Pedagogy & Evidence-Based Practices, in which evidenced based practices were also explored.

Figure 2

Question 2 with Principles and Practical Implications, Deans Impact, 2015

Question 2 Science of Learning

Deepening Meaning & Learning is a 36-page report that provides data coupled with stories that exemplify what it looks like when an educator integrates learning science to design instruction and to support student engagement. The report builds upon research from the launch of the Learning by Scientific Design (LbSD) Network in 2019. The Executive Summary provides an overview of the report and a snapshot of collected data by Deans Impact of teacher-candidates who were enrolled in programs in the LbSD Network. The following sections take a deep dive into understanding the learning sciences, attention, effortful thinking, connecting ideas through examples, and teaching for justice. There are two case studies provided in the report as well. The section on Understanding Learning Science builds upon The Science of Learning and provides six key principles that are critical for educators. This framework identifies learning science principles and provides practical applications. Figure 3 illustrates the principles and actions.

Figure 3

Learning Science Principles and Teacher Actions, Deans Impact, 2021

Learning Science Principles and Teacher Actions table

Educators have a quintessential role in PK-12 education and higher education as well as within professional development across the corporate sector, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. Understanding the human learning process is key to learning and changing the brain.

Author: Dr. Kristen Betts

Learn more about how INTERACT123 can support your work with course/curriculum design and deeper learning. Dr. Kristen Betts


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