"Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
is a framework to improve and
optimize teaching and learning
for all people based on
scientific insights into
how humans learn."
Universal Design for Learning
"UDL is really just 'plus-one' thinking. For every interaction that learners have now -- with the materials, yes, but also with each other, with instructors and with the wider world
-- provide one more way for that interaction to happen."
CAST Resources
"Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a
framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into
how humans learn." ~ CAST
UDL Research & Resources
Making UDL work for everyone with Thomas J. Tobin (extensive resources)
Engagement: Universal Design for Learning Principle, Oakland University
Universal Design for Learning (UDL): A Teacher's Guide (Understood)
Designing Engaging Online Environments: Universal Design for Learning Principles (Hollingshead. &. Carr-Chellman 2019)
"Plus-One" Thinking: A Framework for Inclusive Teaching (Battaglia, 2019)
Differentiation and Universal Design for Learners (Morris, 2018)
Increase Online Student Retention with Universal Design for Learning (Tobin, 2014)
Multiple Means of
Multiple Mean of Enagement
Multiple Means of
Action & Expression
Oakland University: UDL
Teachers surveyed say accessible tech is needed now more than ever (Johnson, 2022)
Accessible Technology Support for Faculty with Disabilities: Challenges and Barriers to Inclusivity (Gierdowski, 2020)
The New Accessibility: Students with Disabilities & Access to Technology (Lederman, 2020)
Supporting the Needs of Students with Undiagnosed disabilities (Schechter, 2018)